Case Study: Behind the Rocks Muscle Oxygenation Analysis
In the last blog post, I detailed my adventure through the back country of Utah, in the Behind the...
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Behind the Rocks 30k Recap
Warning: The following post, as opposed to having technical physiology, is mainly a recap of the...
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The Lactic Acid Construct
Historical importance of Lactate The discovery of lactic acid occurred in 1780 when Swedish...
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Altitude Training: Beneficial or Just Hot (Less Dense) Air?
Altitude Training a Primer High altitude training is thought to improve performance. The apparent...
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Case Study 2: Using Moxy to Dictate Power Training, Sets, Reps, and Recovery
We have recently explored the benefits of strength training as well as outlining how to implement...
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Case Study 1: Using Moxy to Dictate Strength Training, Sets, Reps, and Recovery
In the last blog post, we explored the benefits of strength training as well as outlining how to...
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Improving Endurance Performance by Strength Training
Consistent training is one of the hallmarks to success in most sports. This is especially true for...
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Finding the Limiter with Muscle Oxygen Monitoring to Maximize Athletic Performance
We often talk about identifying physiologic limiters with Moxy. We can determine if an athlete is...
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