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Meet Staff Physiologist Andri Feldmann

Andri FeldmannAndri Feldmann is a staff physiologist for Moxy. He’s been involved with Moxy since the first prototypes were developed as an extension of the work done by his father, Juerg Feldmann. Juerg was a pioneer of using Near Infrared Spectroscopy for training athletes, using medical versions of the technology before Moxy was developed. As a teenager, Andri was often a test subject of Juerg’s and his constant exposure to Juerg’s ideas led him to pursue studies in sports science and human kinetics at the University of British Columbia.

Andri got connected with Moxy when his father sent him to Vancouver to meet with Moxy founder, Roger Schmitz, in 2012 to investigate the new technology and the collaboration has continued ever since. Later, Andri was a cofounder of the Swinco Performance Lab which promoted Moxy in Europe. When that was acquired by Idiag, he served as Idiag’s Moxy consultant until 2021. Andri completed his PhD at the University of Bern in 2021 and he is now a sports scientist for Swiss Athletics.

Wintersportzentrum Olympiastützpunkt Thüringen DE biathlon-1Andri considers himself to be a sports scientist or an applied exercise physiologist as opposed to a ground floor science researcher. His research work has focused on getting the right training stimulus to maximize output and determining which metrics are best used to track performance changes over time. He has authored research papers on sport climbing, track cycling, critical oxygenation, and near infrared sensor accuracy.

Andri has observed that very few products exist besides heart rate sensors that give relevant physiological information from a compact – noninvasive – and wireless device. He sees Moxy as providing more robust information about performance than heart rate and that it’s more versatile. He uses Moxy in his own threshold training and higher intensity trainings. It helps him control high intensity workouts and motivates him to maintain this level of performance during training. It also gives him an indication of daily form and if it would be a good day to take a rest.

Andri shares his thoughts on the applications of near infrared spectroscopy on his NIRSport Science YouTube channel.

Andri is available for consultations about how to apply Moxy for your application or to help with data interpretation by emailing him at andri@moxymonitor.com.


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